Photos of Baby Mac

Video Length: 5:01

The beautiful pictures you see in this slideshow are complimentary of Julie Williams, who is a Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep photographer. She provides an admirable service to parents of stillborn babies. Thank you for capturing these memories for our family. We will cherish them forever!


Jessica said...

Wow - just when I thought I was okay with this, the tears are just flowing once again. He is so gosh darn perfect I can hardly stand it. I loved when the video says, some people dream of angels, we held one in our arms. Cali, my ob is a great friend of mine (she is also a woman). She and I chatted about things for awhile yesterday and I would love to share more of that with you. She said something to me that really stood out. She said there is no explanation for what is felt in a room when these situations happen. Words cannot explain, but she said it was as if there were angels everywhere in the room. She too is a religious person but she made the comment that it did not matter what religion you were, you couldn't deny the feeling of the angels around. That is why this video touched me. He was and is an angel. He was too perfect for this earth and wow - you have a promise to be with him for eternity. That was the most beautiful video and the pictures were priceless. Once again, we love you! Thank you for building my testimony!

Anonymous said...


As a mother, i can't tell you how much my heart goes out to you. After seeing the video and photos, I was deeply touched at your strength. Not sharing your faith, i can't really make sense of this, but am happy for you that you seem to have found the strength that helps you get through. You and Josh are amazing to have handled this like you have. McKallister is adorable. May you find comfort and healing in due time and may God (whomever that is for you), bless you and your family.

The Blog said...

Cali and Josh,
These photos are absolutely beautiful! You are so blessed to have such precious pictures of your baby Mac.
We love you guys,
Jackie and Jason

Bobbie Trujillo said...

This is Bobbie, I am a friend of Sheila Hay. She was telling me of your sons blogspot. I have been reading your story and watching the picture slide shows...(TEARS) I am writing this to you because I myself have given birth to a stillborn. It was my second pregnancy, I already had a beautiful and healthy child 5 years old, Ashley...After almost giving up on our hopes of having a 2nd child. I found out that I was pregnant with our 2nd daughter Hailey Nicole...I had complications with my first child and again at 17 weeks with Hailey, I started contracting...Long story...However at 37 weeks gestation, 2 weeks after telling me that I had to get to 35 wks...I also, had felt my baby move the night before. Monday morning at a normal visit the nurse had measured me...I measured 40...You are all done, the baby is cooked! They searched for her heart beat..I could hear it, but to no avail, is was MINE! They moved me into the ultrasound room and the doctor confirmed that she has passed. I was told to inform my husband, family, and friends that we were to go to the hospital to deliver a stillborn. This was not going to be an easy delivery for anyone, especially my daughter Ash...We were looking forward to bringing home her baby sister. It was heartbreaking telling her that we would not be able to bring Hailey home:( I also left the hospital with EMPTY ARMS...We had great support around us, but then the daily struggle to survive started...One day at a time, One breathe at a time...I was 1 of 5 friends that were all expecting a baby. Some were having their first, some were having their 2nd child..A brother or sister for them to play with...Within 6 months I was informed that I needed a full blown hysterectomy...I was no longer able to have any more children. To this day Ashley knows that she is my EARTH ANGEL and that Hailey is my HEAVENLY ANGEL....We planted a tree and made a memorial garden in her honor...We release balloons often and send them up to her in heaven...I think that everyday you are reminded of the precious toes, the lips (the crooked ear in your case)... THE PERFECT CHILD...Too perfect for life here on EARTH...We make every a special day and treasure special memories together as a family. I seen that you had a 1st birthday party for Baby Mac...We choose to celebrate Hailey's birthday every year together as a family, it doesn't matter what we do, as long as we do it TOGETHER! We are approaching her 4th birthday this October
17th, it is still hard to understand why GOD choose us to be the ones who are left here on Earth to struggle with their loss. I know that our babies are watching over us, and GOD will give you a precious baby girl that has been held by her BIG BROTHER MAC before she appears to you and your supportive family:) I am not a religious person, but I am very spiritual. I know that someday we will be reunited together with our BABIES and our LOVED ONES... I hope you keep your strength high and believe that everything in life is done for a reason. It doesn't always make sense, but in time you will see so much more comes out of the empty arms feeling...You truely treasure each and every HUG, SMILE, OR KISS while longing it to be with your child. Take life one day at a time, remember to breathe and feel HONORED that GOD has chosen you to be the voice for your child and given you the gift to carry on! Life is a precious thing. I will be thinking of you throughout your final stages in pregnancy and will send you strength to deliver your Baby Girl... I know that this delivery will be even more emotional, but so special when she comes to join your life and show you DOUBLE the love for her and for her BIG BROTHER that she already met up in heaven... Good luck to you, Best Wishes on your lifes endeavors...Bobbie

Bridget said...

I'm so sorry for your loss and have shared many tears with you this morning.

When I first heard about the Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep photographers, I was amazed and grateful that this type of organization exists. Photography is not one of the things that you think about when having a personal crisis. I'm so thankful that you have these photos. What a treasure.

Dave Barnett just found out that our son died a year ago and told me about your blog. I recognize several of the angel children on your sidebar. May the Lord grant you peace as you work through grief. You're not alone.

Bridget said...

A book that helped me, though my situation wasn't a stillborn, is entitled: Silent Cradle: Help and Understanding in Time of Pregnancy Loss by Judy Gordon Morrow and Nancy Gordon. What's really great about the book is that it's written from a Christian perspective and it also gives writing exercises and journaling prompts on a ton of topics. Through writing my thoughts and reflections I have been able to face my grief, anger, denial and work through it. It may help you, too.